What Is PAR ?
PAR or Pre-Authorized Remittance, is a program administered by the United Church of Canada that allows you to contribute to your local church through a monthly withdrawal from your bank. You can designate your gift to Local Church expenses, Mission & Service Fund, and other Special Funds, just as you would on an offering envelope. If desired, small cards will be available to be put in the offering plate in place of envelopes, or just mark PAR on your envelope. Your account will be debited on or about the 20th of the month, and your congregation's account credited with the amount credited with the amount payable from all members who participate.
Ask your church treasurer/church office for a brochure. It includes an application. For more information please call Sue Morrison at 506-458-8150.
PAR or Pre-Authorized Remittance, is a program administered by the United Church of Canada that allows you to contribute to your local church through a monthly withdrawal from your bank. You can designate your gift to Local Church expenses, Mission & Service Fund, and other Special Funds, just as you would on an offering envelope. If desired, small cards will be available to be put in the offering plate in place of envelopes, or just mark PAR on your envelope. Your account will be debited on or about the 20th of the month, and your congregation's account credited with the amount credited with the amount payable from all members who participate.
Ask your church treasurer/church office for a brochure. It includes an application. For more information please call Sue Morrison at 506-458-8150.